
We hear sales and the first thing that hit our head is the salesperson!

We’ve always believed that there is a correlation between saes and salesperson, the irony is that, we had limited it to this only. What if I say, sales have a correlation with something else? There is a possibility.

              Selling “isn’t my cup of tea”

Well, we have listened to this phrase a lot. I myself had said this a zillion time. I remembered when I said it and actually meant it. So, my friend called me and asked me to visit his office. There he introduced the business idea of his company, which I loved. It was mainly a selling type of business. I didn’t put in a lot of zest in it at the initial because “Selling was not my cup of tea”, I believed.

Well, few months later, I realized that I was wrong. Selling was actually my cup of tea. Actually, everyone on this planet, whether dependent or independent is good at selling, or not good s/he knows the basics of selling from the very beginning. It’s a lie that we are Living with.

Every mortal ever born is selling himself/herself.

Even a road-side beggar, in his adverse situations is selling himself/herself. I may be sounding absolutely weird, that the person who hasn’t went to a thing like school, knows the basics of selling, but you can’t run away from the truth!

The question arises HOW?

Selling remains the crux of our lives, whether it was in the future, in the present or the past. We will be selling throughout our lives.

For example;

  1. Google Inc., whatever they may say to themselves, bottom line will be that they are selling themselves. They tell us to use their page as the default web page and use our web browser by telling the perks and the edge of it. They are selling. They are the sellers at an International level.
  2. A freelancer is selling himself/herself by bringing in the audience to see his/ her work.

Selling is the lubricant that is making our world ruining in a smooth way”

Talk about any field of study, you will see mortals trying to impress others by telling good about themselves, interviews (taking business meetings and job) being the best place where you lie about yourself in the best possible manner to get the thing done. Well, actually there is nothing in the world that isn’t correlated with us, everything is whether positively or negatively, everything does have an impact on an individual. Selling is way of life. You sell yourself to friends so that they know why they should be your friend and not the other(s). some fail, some make a sale, some make a sale for a middle term and some for life long. There’s a lot we need to learn in the field of sales. You can master any known field, but this is one field which you can’t master, you always learn. People are greedy, they want to know their benefits, not your list of “crap” which in your view is “your benefits”.    

Even a best-seller author sells himself/herself when s/he launches a new book, who will be telling the good things in the first place for the book s/he wrote, the author will be the first to praise his/her work. That’s selling strategy. The praise isn’t like “Yeah, go and read it it’s a must read”, they don’t do this, readers do this. Author tells the story in a manner in which you want to read it in the first place. You are selling when you want a deal to be done, you try to say good things about the idea or sometimes you start giving perks by going out of the way. Ever tried to get that extra ₹ 500 from your dad/mom when going to a party? We all have. Ho do we do it? We start telling the price of the most expensive things as the minimum ones and try to fool, sometimes and ever tried to get that extra marks on the assignments of schools and colleges by pranking the teachers by praising them and stuff, well if you have ever done any of these, boy you are in the road of being a pro in the field we are talking about!

Selling isn’t a bad thing, actually it is the best thing you can get to prank people and get paid for it. You won’t be get paid for telling a wrong decision in a board meeting, you won’t be paid if you didn’t manage the portfolio funds properly, or telling a wrong risk measure. Boy, selling is the only place where you can fool people sometimes to get high check in your name. If you good at this do it, we love people praising us for what we know we aren’t.

The next time you say that you aren’t a sales person, Think Again!

A person quoted like this;

” The truth is, Selling is everything in life. You’re either selling or you’re failing”

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