
“Money is the game, money is the fame”

I’m here because my end goal with my blog is to make a living and for that, I need what every country have it’s own and that’s money.
Money, the only reason why we are working or doing business.
Money is the only reason why we are living because without money we all would have been dead or even extinct way too earlier.
We forgot that money wasn’t here from the Adam, when we thought we needed it we developed it. But why we needed it? We needed it because our greed was growing way too faster than we assumed and in order to overcome the problem we found a solution to that, first was the introduction of The “Barter System”{Those who don’t know barter system was a system where we buy stuff by exchanging one for another} ,but we mortals are way too greedier than we think we are, the more we get, the more greedier we become and thus, money came into picture.
If greed would have been a mountain, we all would have been at the apex of that, we all 8 Billion people on that one single tiny point”.
The entry of money made “The silent into violent”, that is those had brains and used it, made money and those who had but didn’t use worked for those who converted money into a business. Money has had come a long way and had seen a lot of changes & improvements along its path.
The current day picture of money is that it counts your days. Today if you don’t have money you can’t even get a 1-time meal, leave a meal, no one will ask about you, not even your relatives!
The more money we’ve got, the more respect the society has”.
An NGO won’t be in a functional phase if it doesn’t have funds, a philanthropist cant make a charity if S/he own have troubles with money, a school won’t teach you if they aren’t given money in exchange, you would not help others when you own have problems with money.
First give me money, then we will think about charity and stuff”

Our life is full of irony, we learn so that we can earn and for that we need money.

“To make money is to have money“.

The conspiracy is that everyone is not hungry for money, they are happy by what they have, nothing extra they ever wished for, but the bottom line is to maintain what they have, they need money”. We enter the game because we will get money. A saint will not provide the ways of living a comfortable life to others, if S/he can’t receive money, either as charity or a fee, S/he can’t do that entire his/her life just out of good deeds, “What the practical world need is money, not harmony when it comes to living a comfortable life”.
Even if you are the kindest, soft-hearted person in the globe, but if you ran out of money for a longer time period than expected, your kindness will vanish out for the period you are out of money.
We all are living for money, big or small we all need money so that our lives executes as long as possible. Even the billionaire’s of billionaires will first take out money for themselves, then they’ll do something else for others from the money. That’s the truth, run from it, hide from it, it still remains the same. I accept that I can’t fill other’s empty stomach when my own stomach is empty. I love doing charity but I won’t be doing one when I myself have problems with money.
But what about happiness or doing something for someone from the heart, something that gives you inner happiness? I’ll say, do as much as possible by which you feel happy from inside. But, you could not make it, if you don’t have a sufficient bank balance. When your own stomach is starving, you just can’t strive only on happiness.
I may be sounding really harsh on my part, someone will think I may have gone nuts, but what is the truth will be the truth, If I didn’t say it, somebody else will.

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