Is heart the real place from where love originates ?

Hey, I love you, babe! I love you from the bottom of my heart.

This phrase has the capacity to melt someone and actually it does. We know where one uses it right with the highest intensity, right?

Woah!  Heart be like, dude stop talking crazy, be a little realistic, please! Scientifically, the only job I have is to pump the blood, nothing less than that and nothing more than that. How could I love somebody when it’s not my expertise.

But if you don’t mind and if you don’t get offensive, I would say that there isn’t anything like ‘ I love you from the bottom of my heart” that’s merely a phrase which we liked and now we are using it to tell people how much we love him/her. I’m getting a little technical here. Our heart is made up of muscles, so does  every part of our body. But the almighty have given a special task to each organ. Hearts task is to continue the flow of red liquid throughout the body in continuity. Brain task is to maintain our body and be sane.

The thing which is about 2-3 kg, above our shoulders is exceptional. It makes us think, act, and even generates question. It is the mitochondria of the body! Remembered the high school science? That word was once a sentence for me. Coming back on the topic,

We do things as per the thought, even the thought of ” love you from the bottom of my heart “. Yes, well how can you expect a muscle to think ? It’s the heart that resides in our brain that does the functioning. I may be sounding a little bizarre in here but somethings are actually bizarre when talked about and that’s one reason why we never think of bizarre things ( the one we learned even before we learned how to think).

Our brain is the one and only thing that creates love, it is the one that creates ego, hatred and all the things that exist. Let’s keep aside negative, and talk about positive. We love any person from the brain only. But then why we say that we love him from the all our heart? Think if heart pops out and say, hey man that’s not my department, why pushing me in all this? My work is to pump that red liquid in the body and keep you alive that’s all!

Actually, the thing is, even our mind has a heart. From there we love the person and maintain all our relationships, it is the place where we keep our emotions right on top. That can be termed as ” Brain-heart cell”. Now why that name? Well, there’s no legal or scientific name to it so it could different among individuals.

Well, when we love somebody we don’t forget our ability to think. We don’t become insane when we are in love with our partner. Though sometimes there are some bizarre lovers who do get madness right on to their nerves, but that’s a different topic of discussion. Coming back,

Look at this like this,

When you get angry at someone, your thoughts are full of negative vibes and at that time your thoughts are coming from the mind and not from the heart or the “Brain- heart corner”. Our ancestors told us that we love from our heart.

I don’t say that we don’t, we do but not from the actual heart which we think, but instead from the heart no one ever talked about, it’s actually the heart which resides inside our mind.

We’ve heard the following phrase a zillion times:-

Keep your hand on your heart and then tell me the truth”

We say this because when we keep our hand on our heart we feel our heartbeats and when we try to say a lie, it rises and it signals that No, it’s wrong, to tell the truth, no matter what! The heartbeat rises because we know we are lying and our brain tenses up and need more blood to keep itself in shape and when we keep our hand close to our chest we feel the rise in heartbeat and realise that we are lying or tensed up of the idea of lying. And that’s the reason why.

I’m not creating a new field of love, it’s just that it is better to know things from a different angle. A point can be seen from “n” different angles and all those angles would be different with a little correlation between them (because of the subject we are seeing is the same).

I don’t say that don’t love your mate with your heart, it’s just better to know the actual place where your love begins, imaginary things often lead to wrong places. The phrases are not obsolete just their place of origin has shifted upwards. And upward is always good if seen positively.

So next time when you confront your love to someone and use the phrase which we talked about initially, remember that all you say is in the brain, the deepest you go is in your brain-heart cell.

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