Are you an Artist?

The sky, the moon, the sun, the universe all are the work of the creative mind. Who does this creative work? It’s an artist. Artist as we define in the books is any person who by his hands draws or creates somethings which attracts the other person seeing it.

If every artist does something which appeals to others, then can we say that Everyone is an Artist? YES we can.

Everyone has some degree of creativity stored within them. Actually, it’s like a chapter in the book of “Life” which consists of all the known professions whether versatile or not and tells to find one for yourself.

Everyone is an Artist. How? Let’s see an example:

1. Suppose you see a carpenter doing his regular job. You now get curious about how he’ll be fixing those pieces of wood with other piece of wood. What you see is that he does that in a new “Style”. The thing he did was exactly the same but the way was different which took him a little lesser but the output was exactly the same. That’s the creativity he used and thus he can be said as an Artist.

2. A banker doing the same desk job, finds a new way to do the same thing in a much lesser time, this can be attributed as the work of a creative mind and thus S/he can be said as an Artist.

The god is an artist who by his creative mind created us and this beautiful world. An artist is not only that person who creates beauties on the paper or the one who lodges the words in a way never done before, but is also a person who finds a new way to the daily routine jobs s/he does or a new way for the betterment of the society.

“The invention of modern-day computers”, “The invention of the Light bulb”, “The invention of the telephone”, “The invention of the satellites, aeroplanes” all the work of creative minds out there.

“Creativity is like water,

It will find its way It will mix with everything and can be found anywhere anytime”

If there wasn’t any creativity or any person living with creative minds, then we would have got bored from lives in real soon. Inventions in IT sector, banking, finance, architectural etc. are the works of creative mind. The beautiful houses, its interior, the modern infrastructure all are the works of creative minds. No matter what they say, deep down they all know “It’s the work of a Creative mind” what they really see is the top, they never had come closer to it and dipped their fingers to feel it, because if they had what they feel was “Creativity” and nothing else.

Everyone is as creative as the other. Your mother cooks delicious food for you every single day, the person sitting in his grocery shop finds out ways to increase his business. The salesman waking up in the morning thinks of a different idea which would make him do a sale. The way they all do things is the work of their “Creative minds” and “Creativity”.

Creativity is like another thing in an individual’s life. Sometimes the ideas won’t be good enough, sometimes they will and sometimes they will leave you in amazement.

We humans always get conscious about the work we do. No matter how good we are at that particular thing we always bring a second thought. Just remember the god was an artist and he had created us. Now if he is an artist why wouldn’t he make us an artist too? Not everyone would be good at the paper but s/he will be good at something else. We just have to find it. The only task we have to do. [And stick to it].

When ever someone tries to put you down just remember this:

“The god is an Artist and you are the product of its creativity.”

Next time anyone appreciates your work; “You’re good at this job”. When you thank them just add this “Thanks for my “CREATIVE” job”.

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