You are a Diamond

How do we actually see ourselves? Some say as a layman, some say as an Extra-ordinary and there are some who say themselves as, we are good for nothing. They all are a part of this planet and are “fake” happy. Are they actually living their lives at the fullest? The answer to this, I don’t know because you are not me and I’m not you. You got to know yourself that no one can.

So how can one find the answer to this? Well, there are 3 basic question’s one must put forward, which are:-

Q1. Am I actually enjoying what I’m currently doing?

Q2. Am I the same as the one inside me?

Q3. What is that one thing that rejuvenates my body completely?

What you must remember before asking these questions is, you must be clear with your thoughts about what you are currently doing. Sometimes there are things which we are doing but can’t find interest in doing that and because of that our mind wanders to other things, and we end up making a huge fuss about the current thing which we are doing. Sometimes we only need a break from all those things and put our mind into peace. Sometimes, we aren’t actually happy with what we are doing, we are just doing it because we are told to do so.

After clarifying your thoughts, ask yourself these questions on a daily basis. You should do the following things before asking yourself those questions:

  1. You should be thoughtless and your mind should not wander here and there, even if it does bring it back.
  2. Try to do it in a silent environment, with no worldly things besides you.
  3. Be truthful to yourself.

You’ll make this a habit of doing this until you actually find your real diamond. In the process, you may get an answer in the first place but don’t take it as the right one because our mind gives that answer, not our soul. The mind gives that answer because of the current things we are doing and picks up the thing which makes us happy when we are doing that. For example, a CEO of a company loves to do charity. One day he feels bored of his work and asks himself what he actually wanted to do? There’s some degree of chance that he may think of helping others and doing charity. I know that doing charity is a good thing, but he did it because he had that surplus amount from his earnings and having a soft corner as well. Take a poor man, for instance, go and tell him to do some charity, he’ll probably say “here I don’t have enough funds to fulfill my life basic needs and you are saying me to do charity, No I won’t”, that’s the harsh truth of us. We try to first make ourselves comfortable and then think about others. Now coming back to the CEO, he may come across the idea of becoming a social activist. There’s a 50-50% chance that he may succeed or lose. Also, if S/he practices the method of asking the above question’s S/he may find the right answer to her/his question’s.

Getting the right answer at the 1st place isn’t always correct. You sometimes look at the coal and see it as a Diamond, even if it isn’t. Yes, if you get that same answer over and over again during that practice, you got me, man! You actually got your real Diamond.

  1. The first step is dug up the mine which requires a lot of efforts:- Similarly, finding your real diamond starts from here, You start to relax your mind by sitting in a silent place and start digging the mine for that Diamond.
  2. You are extracting the coal from the mine: You are now looking at all the options put before you and you want to pick up each and every idea thinking about it as your real Diamond. In this, you may pick up the wrong coal piece and think it may be your diamond. Choose wisely.
  3. Your entry to the deep: You dig more deep in search of coal believing that it may be the diamond.
  4. The end of the mine: You are now at the last stage where you have seen all the ideas and now you will find your real Diamond.

The process may be sounding tough, but actually has a smooth journey because you have a reason to dig more and more to find that one Diamond no matter how many coal pieces block your way but you always crave for that diamond that will lighten the rest of your life like a pro.

Believe me, we all are, even the poorest man is a diamond. It’s only that he didn’t get the chance to not wander around the same pieces of coal and find the Diamond of his life.

If you know from your soul about the diamond of your life, you can achieve it, you just need to put one step forward and that to so as to determine which path you want to follow, rest all the steps will be made easy for you! For instance, if Sachin Tendulkar thought that there are so many good cricketers out there, how will he be able to make a stand for him? Then, today we won’t have him. He wanted to be a cricketer and that he put one step forward which made his path a cake walk.

Sometimes, it’s just that there are situations in front of us where we have to make a choice between things. Sometimes it’s easy to make and sometimes difficult. But we should always make a choice which will be the best for us and achieve what our soul wants not what the other souls want from us to achieve. The soul is ours, no one can understand it better than us.

“One should see the soul himself from his/her eyes,

Not from other soul’s eyes”

Today at what stage I’m I don’t know but I know one thing that I won’t be wandering around the coal all my life. One Day I’ll find my real Diamond.

There’s a line which I love the most, it’s from the book of Robin Sharma from the series of ” The Monk who sold his Ferrari”


“ Your life is a treasure and you are so much more than you know”.

So let’s indulge ourselves finding the real diamond. Germination is hard but the fruit will be sweet.

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