The Day!

The Day will come!

The day I will see the changes,

The changes that had never occurred on the phase of the earth,

The changes that would enlighten the mortal,

Through a thunder that would change “the change” once occurred.

I wish to see the changes,

When one brushes the inner soul alike the wind brushes away the sand , the water rejuvenates the greens

I wish to see the day.

The day will come when the change will happen

The change that will become the awestruck moment for the being

The day will come when there will be no “I” but “We”

The day will come when the mediocre will become the exceptional,

The day will come when everything will become crystal not vague

The day will be added to the golden pages of history

that would be remembered for the millennium’s to come.

There are days to be unfolded by the almighty,

But that day, is waiting on the shores for the  right time to arrive,

To make the changes!

The day will come and go but the significance will be embarked forever and ever.

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