World As a School

We all known “The Big Bang theory”, the Ice Age and things that occurred billions of years ago.

Well thousands of years ago our earth’s land was a Big single piece and through the various environmental changes it separated and formed 7 continents. But within these continents there are zillions of cities and towns and languages spoken. When all the above said things were occurring that is formation of the continents, in the land the species were also changing. The apes changed to hi-tech humans as we know.

Now we a group of 6 billion people spread across every corner of the world and is the biggest army. But is this army really connected with their folks? Well we are somewhat connected and somewhat not. Like in my previous blog of “Friendship” I said we talk to those whom we prefer are good to communicate.

Well lets understand the dilemma I want to say and bring this whole world into one roof called “School”.

The assumptions I will be taking are:

  1. The countries are different sections of a class and,
  2. All the classes belong to the same standard.

During our school days,

We all known that no matter how much we brag about our friendship, there’s always a cold war being fought and that we known and is embedded in our subconscious mind. The Cold War of being ahead of others both individually and in groups(between different sections). Well that’s a good thing to have in order to known our own caliber. In order to outshine others we forgot the basic general rule of being a helping hand to others. We don’t want to lack behind of others and fear that if we help him/her, S/he may come ahead of us and that we doesn’t want and in order to satisfy our ego we kill the habit of helping which was once taught in the same school. Irony is how early we have forgotten the thing we learned. Also every class consists of students who are poor, good and excellent in academics.

Putting the same in case of World,

We see politicians bragging about their good relation with other countries, but nobody helps when it comes to sharing something, they all back-off! And as I said different countries are taken as different classes then there are countries which we have seen are backward (poor), developing (good) and developed (excellent). The developing are in the quest of achieving the achievable and the developed have already achieved the achievable.

As the professor advice the excellent students to help others, similarly professor being the “ Helping nature” tells the developed countries to help the developing country for example America helping Africa but poor the professor nobody listens to him seriously.

Now the question arises why would any country for that matter will give his inventions or technology that easily? Well, they don’t have to either. They just have to provide them with the knowledge and help, rest will be done by the countries seeking help like, R&D, making availability of the resources and funds and required personnel for the same.

We have to work like a team and like in a team the head motivates his folks with the quote:

               “ Together we are everything,

                                              We become “I” and we die”

As it is said,

“You come to this world bare handed and you will go bare handed” nothing here nothing there.

Well making it a contradictory, yes we come bare handed but its our choice how we want to leave the world, bare handed or with good wishes and deeds. And in order to get those wishes we all know what we have to do. It is help those in need.

Let me make you clear one thing,

                              “ One Apocalypse and everything becomes zero”

So why not help and make some good deeds. Someone who is full of ego may be thinking that if apocalypse have to struck and everything has to become zero then why help those who are behind of us? Well, for that I don’t have any explanation. Just want to say that take yourself in the situation and think that you lost everything you ever earned and in that period no one comes forward to help you, that’s the oouch feeling you’ll feel as the other countries would.

Seeing that the countries helped other countries and every country is now on the line of developed or above the line, how amazing it would be! Now even the competition ( Competition will remain forever even at the time of helping) would be a new thing as now the personnel will use the resources to generate new upgraded technologies rather than using the resources to make the technology which has been developed or invented in the past.

I don’t say that the developed should help them by providing the mantras of the newest of all but the one they prefer. Nor do I say that the developing countries should go that easily to the developed countries for the help. It’s just that when a country has wasted several years of research and hasn’t able to invent the technology then its better to “ask for a help” and not lean. As in school its better to take help from a good student in a problem rather than not studying that topic and bring a “Back” printed on your result card.

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