
Are you kidding? How can you even imagine that I will do this? I have a status.

We hear this type of phrases every now and then. They yell out if we argue with them.

Well, maintaining a status is not even that bad, it’s good for us. But we humans have a tendency to do things in their extreme. Same goes with the status as well. We took status so seriously that we actually ruined our life. Those who understood this got settled in life and who didn’t got it right at the right time became vagabonds of life. The ones who went to the extremes were like “ I have to maintain a status in the society and for this I can do anything” and in this they make themselves bankrupt from inside as well as from outside (No money left).

There are not only these type of people who crosses limits for their status. There are some who maintained their legacy and also increased their branches.

Status is actually, putting in a layman’s language, “ An individual seeing himself/herself in the eyes of the other humans as a whole”.

In sociology status has 2 branches, one of my friend told me that is

  1. Ascribed status
  2. Achieved status

            Ascribed status is the one which an individual acquires from the birth  and Achieved status is one which an individual earns through his skills and his workings.

We all are here to achieve the 2nd one that is the achieved status, well it was quite known from the definition though.

Sunder Pichai achieved the status as the CEO of Google through his skills. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani, Jack Ma all achieved the status of being what they are today.

But the question is,  Do we have to maintain the status according to our current positions? Well we actually don’t need to make a false picture of our status. If we are successful our work is speaking for us, we don’t have to tell or show.

Warren buffet is the best example. He is the 3rd richest man in the planet but continues to live in the home which he bought years back, he uses the same nokia flip phone. He can simply buy a big  mansion with a snap of his fingers but he never choose one. Because he knows that showing off is not good at the end of the day even if you do in limits. There’s a quote I always believed                        

“ The purpose is to be Rich than to look Rich”

Yes we can live at a flat which you used to be years back, why buy a home with 10 rooms with no sounds of your loved ones, rather buy a home with 3 rooms which is filled with your children’s playing and your loved ones and have happiness on the atmosphere.

We were taught from our childhood that you have a status! Maintain it, do things as per your parents status. That’s actually right but wrong as well. It is right in the sense that we taught our children’s not to do things which are really bad for them like harming anyone physically or mentally, but is kind of wrong as well because then the children’s come to believe that what should I do as per my status? And then they get confused sometimes and turn up doing nothing which they actually love. They forget themselves. They get scared about what people will think and react and what if they started back bitching ? oh god! I would say , they all are shit people and we should not digest their shitty things. Be like our body, if something is not digesting throw it out from where it came. Children’s don’t do what they love to do. A rich guy’s son may want to be a rich but want to dress up like a normal kid, play with normal kids, live in normal places, etc.

“Status is not how you show people you are rather it is how you act”

   “Status is only a Worldly desire of the society so let it be of the society don’t let it bring a troublesome atmosphere in your personal life!”.

               I seriously don’t say that don’t buy your dream car or your dream mansion, rather buy a thing when you seriously in a deep need of it.

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