Jealousy and Want

It’s the 21st century! The century which bought about a change in the manner we see the world today. The booming of technology, industrialization and the changes in the ideology of the mortal and the unfolding of the achievements has made the planet a better place to live in. When we need those changes, the almighty provided them but as the saying goes;

     “Everything has its own set of advantages and disadvantages”

Here I am not going to talk about the sort of open disadvantages which we have encountered in the past. I’m going to talk about the hidden disadvantage which was never disclosed to the public. Though it might sound a little odd but yes it has some disadvantages.

Yes, the disadvantage has caused bad to the society at large than to the economy. We known about the bad that happened to the economy (air pollution, severe diseases etc.) but what about the societal disadvantage? Well, let’s get an insight about the same.

Let’s go back to the time when Industrialization and Globalization was at its peak. At that time we all encountered with the “Wall of Jealous and Want” standing in front of us, which had its germination at the time of the initial stage of the latter, but unfortunately was unseen and now when it is standing big and strong that it has snatched our focus.

Let’s start with Jealousy.

“Jealousy is something which an individual feels to own by himself/herself when s/he sees the same at the other one pocket”.

It can be called as the “J feeling” as one of my teacher used to say.  For instance,

Imagine that you are going down the street to do a task and suddenly you encounter a good- looking person, the sudden feeling you feel can be termed as Jealousy or the “The J feeling.”

Well this jealousy doesn’t last for a long time as you forget the lad while you go through the street.

jealousy can be of different types:

  1. The one which vanquish within a fraction of minutes,
  2. The one which stays on your mind for a moderately longer time say a day or a week
  3. This one is the one which is most commonly used and is that when you are jealous of a person when s/he has achieved something which you haven’t.

The 3rd one is the one which is usually attached to the term “Jealousness”.

Now let’s come to Want. Want can be defined as:

“Want is something which an individual aspires to own in the near future.”

Well, want doesn’t arises from seeing others doing or owing it rather it arises from within.

So it brings us to the question that Is Jealousy and Want similar? Are they contradictory? And a whole lot of questions hit our mind.

Well it’s quite simple.

“Jealousy and want are somewhat different from each other but they are also correlated. I explain you how.

Jealousy and want are different from each other which we got to known as per the definitions mentioned above. They are similar too or can be said that they are correlated.

Want is when you aspire to achieve or own something whereas jealousy is the feeling which you feel on seeing someone’s achievements or stuff like that! Both the terms are a set of emotions or feelings which we encounter with.

Jealousy or the “J feeling” arises because we want something and in the urge to own or achieve something we feel jealous if our near one’s own the same before we do.

Thus we can say that where there is want there are chances of jealousy but where there is jealousy there has to be want. Like the saying goes:

“Where there is smoke there is fire for without smoke there can be no fire”

It can also be said that want has a wider reference than jealousy.

For instance if we say that the 2 terms are 2 different countries, then the border between the two countries is the dine line between jealous and want and we have to make a choice where to go.

“Jealous and Want are those terms which can

            Give us motivation if taken positively and can help us to discover

Our real potential and Caliber”


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