Love is in the Sphere!

Having a deep feeling in the heart and mind of both the sex for each other is commonly abbreviated in a simple 4 letter word known as “Love”.

But is love that simple? What is love? Yes, it’s a big question for many people especially among the youngsters out there. Love is everywhere from the chirping of birds, interaction among leaves when air moves, everything is love. I as an individual think that as we have people from different background they’ll give different definitions or meaning of love based on their experience and the environment/ surroundings in which one lives, which is 100% correct in its own. Love is one of that topic which can have a lot of definitions. For example; for an infant love is his/her parents, while for kids and children’s love will be his/her family and relatives and for adults love will be the same as in case of a kid or a child with an increase in his/her soul mate. Just see how love has changed over the different phases of life. Though love do have a googled meaning, but as i said love differs from person to person.

Love should not be confused as just a four letter word and the definition given by me at the top! Love is an ocean in itself and that every individual should know it well enough to spend his/her life with his/her better half.

“Love is that feeling which can’t be intensely expressed but gets expressed on it’s own”

The feeling of love can also be said as a water body which doesn’t need any pre-defined path to meet its destiny rather it finds its own way out to reach the destiny that is in the heart  and soul of the other.

But what actually is it is still unclear!

In my view point and after observing my environment I get to know one thing in clear that love is a part of a book named “Life”. And it is that chapter which needs to be understood properly and if not can bring itching to our head! It’s more or less like a chapter in a mathematics book which is so tough to handle by our bare minds and that it sometimes bring a lot of stress to us. Like in a mathematics book a tough chapter is placed either at the end or later, just like that the chapter of love is placed like this. But why? The book of life starts with one’s own birth followed by respect for others and one’s own self-respect and so on. Then at the last section comes the chapter of love (I do have skipped a lot of chapters in between).

But why love is listed at the last section? It is so because when we first learn to respect others and at the same time know the value of self-respect, we will not dominate the other one and try to put his self-esteem down because we know how it feels if one does.

There’s a saying,

“You give respect,

                       You’ll get respect”

Unless and until you respect your better half you can’t say that you love him/her.

In a layman’s language love can be said as,

“Affection and attraction you share with each other and that your feeling is Unconditional”.

We all are here to find our true love/ soul mate and in this process we express and experience the creamy layer of love. Just believe that love is like a barrel which is full of love. We all are living at the creamy layer of this barrel and all the miracles we see are all done at the creamy layer. Just imagine if one of us makes a dive in this barrel, what all we would be seeing is beyond our imagination, even thinking of it is giving me Goosebumps.

Thus, love is rightly said as:-

  1. Love is the key to the lock of heaven
  2. Love is the best feeling in this whole universe.

As our school master says,

“Knowing everything with different meanings or perspective will one day be remembered and we will be thankful for that”.

Keeping that in mind,

Comment down below your viewpoints about the same.

Hope you enjoyed reading 🙂

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