Friend’s an Ocean of Emotions

Friendship, the only single word which every mortal on this planet wants to be in.

Friendship is not just that ordinary word which we say in a layman’s style, this word if bifurcated will give us two different words ; 1st word being “Friend” and the 2nd word being “Ship“. Though these 2 words have nothing in common, but by the end you will feel the same as I did when I first got to known about this. Getting back to the topic, friendship can be defined as “The Ship having people or a group of people who are willing to enter into the ship called “Friend-ship”. This ship is not the normal ship that we see on the shores of the sea, instead this ship is made up of loyalty, trust, love, understanding and other “n” number of things, just like the raw materials to make a ship.

Can we say that the friendship and the human race are going parallel from the very beginning? Yes, why not! The question arises how? The answer is that we all are human beings or can be called as social beings. We need to interact with others; it’s more or less like a necessity to us. This is so because; if we don’t indulge in these activities we would die from within because of boredom and eventually in physical form. So it is important for us to interact with others. Thus, we can say that “Friendship and the human race both go parallel.”

Interaction and friendship are 2 different words with different dictionary meaning. But physiologically, they aren’t. Why? This is because you interact with those with whom you feel that you are actually “You” and there is no need to maintain a “Standard”. No one is a stranger here it’s just that we are not in a state or we are not willing to start the conversation here and there.

Different people have different definition about friendship; which is absolutely fine as our experience from friendship differs from person to person. Sometimes 2 friends may have a different definition about friendship even if they are together in the ship from a long long time. This is because their experience differs and thus they develop their own perspective. But in common we all share or known in our subconscious mind that it is “Unconditional”. Some gets so attached to the other one that he/she can’t imagine his/her immediate future without him/her. In this type of friend-ship a word gets added which is “Best Friend-ship. While on the other hand some are like other who talk occasionally or sometimes on a daily basis but the door of “Best” is yet to be opened. What I feel is that nothing is wrong with any kind of friendship stated above. One person may or may not indulge in all the 3 types. I believe that for an individual there can be only 1 friend who is his/her “Best”, this friend is like the heart to the “Friend-ship”, like a human body has.

Putting all in a nut shell,

                    “Friendship is done by the heart and not by the mind because our mind is interested in the benefits we get from anything but our heart is pure and is only interested in our inner happiness”.

“ A bond of friendship is not created by us but it creates on it’s own”.

So this year let’s make our friend-ship so strong that can survive every kind of ups and downs, highs and lows in every stage of our life and land us on our destination like a ship comes to the shore after surviving the tornado in the ocean and coming out like a “Champion”.


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