Reservations in India !

Back in the 1947 India was facing a setback after the British “East India Company” era came to an end. People were looking for their stay in India and Pakistan , all thanks to the British who led to this separation and the consequences are till date. After the government was formed in the 1950, there came up certain provision/rules and regulations and along with it came the idea of reservation’s (An idea put forward by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar) to help the backward sections of our Society so that they can also improve their livelihood as others.

It was a positive and a perfect decision taken by the Government Of India.But i don’t think that it is going the right way as it should go. I’m afraid and worried to see the current situation of the same policy.

Let’s first know what actually reservations are ?

Reservations are the special right given to some specific sections who are backward and needs the help of the government so that they can improve their livelihood and also improve their environment/future reasonably better for their future generations.

These sections are generally categorized under section mainly;

  1. The Scheduled Tribes
  2. The Scheduled Caste and,
  3. Other backward communities.

As stated above the 3 sections there comes sub sections who are unofficially categorized. These do belong to the above stated categories but earn well enough to provide the best to their children’s that a normal human being does.It is more like a layer, having 3 parts

1. The creamy layer which mainly consists of people who earn well enough and have all the benefits going directly to their pockets

2. Then comes the layer of people who by having struggle receive the benefits they own. These mainly consists of people who are in between middle and lower class.

3. Then there is the bottom layer who does not have any light of hope and are backward since ages. They are like ” Creatures living in the sea bed” i.e., no hope for sunlight.

In the current scenario the problem is not actually the reservations but the misuse of the it on a large scale. People who are deserved for a particular seat in a particular college/work they are not given and given to those who have the power(here power means the power of money) but they still prefer to be the members of that society. I ask why ? when you have all the facilities that a normal person possess then why go to opt an option that makes it of no value or imply stated useless. The skilled have gone to help other nations and earning large amount of money by providing their best in class services. Just think that if the same skills have had been retained here, our country would have achieved milestones in every aspect. In government jobs people having the certificates have a reserved seat already and these seats goes to those who are powerful i.e., the creamy layer ,thus resulting in no good for the backward society who actually needs the help.

We live in 2017 and still reservations? Really? sometimes people have a thought of their uselessness that they are dependent on the government for their studies/jobs.

The answer to this question is a Big NO. God doesn’t made this that who will be backward and who will be not. It is us the same humans who created all this mess and if we have done it, it can surely be abandoned.


” We are not the mighty but a creation of the mighty who belongs to heaven and in heaven nothing is bad everything is Good”

I don’t say that the reservations should be removed completely but sholud be provided to those who actually need’s it. Let’s talk straight forward, some people with reservations are rich nevertheless they need the subsidies so provided by the government it is like “No I will take all this even if my pride is the cost”. The citizens first understand the it within themselves i.e.,go through a self- analysis and also the government should add to the current provision that if the standards of living of the people have improved and is above a particular line so decided, he/she should be removed from the list and he/she cannot reposes the same ,in normal circumstances.This may help the people in need in great to get their rights and actually improving their living standards.


3 thoughts on “Reservations in India !

  1. well.. reservation are not on the basis of money. Income is not the criteria. the certificates are made on the basis of caste. the castes that have been mentioned in the constitution of india. If you think making a invalid reservation certificate is easy then Sir i think you should try it by yourself. And as you said that the certificates should be for people in need. moat of the needy people are not able to complete the process as it need that much time, high level of involvement and its a long process so people who can do all that can get that certificate so i think you should write a article on how to make the process easy.

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    1. Yes you are absolutely right. Yes the reservations are on caste basis but what about the members who have achieved something with the reservation and still using it even if they didn’t require it. My topic is about the removal of these greedy people.

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  2. How do you think the legislator can distinush between the people who ‘actually needs it’ and who ‘don’t’. I believe it is very easy for us to come up with a suggestions whereas extremly difficult to suggest the ways to enforce it.
    P.S. No Criticism, Just a healthy discussion. Btw very well written article.

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