
Is heart the real place from where love originates ?

Hey, I love you, babe! I love you from the bottom of my heart. This phrase has the capacity to melt someone and actually it does. We know where one uses it right with the highest intensity, right? Woah!  Heart be like, dude stop talking crazy, be a little realistic, please! Scientifically, the only job […]

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You are a Diamond

How do we actually see ourselves? Some say as a layman, some say as an Extra-ordinary and there are some who say themselves as, we are good for nothing. They all are a part of this planet and are “fake” happy. Are they actually living their lives at the fullest? The answer to this, I […]

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Impossible and I’m Possible

The Industrial revolution started in the 18th century and from there it spread all over the World. The industrial revolution had 2 friend’s namely development and status. The industrial revolution changed the way we looked at the world. With this, different kind of opportunities started to come on our way. The players in the market […]

Read More Impossible and I’m Possible

Life and Zest!

Mortals are always showing enthusiasm for the thing’s future will be unfolding for them. We are enthusiastic about what’s encrypted on the pages of life for us, whether it’s studies, family, friends, social life, relationships, adulthood and old age. We are enthusiastic about every second of our life! What am I be doing in my […]

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