Life and Zest!

Mortals are always showing enthusiasm for the thing’s future will be unfolding for them. We are enthusiastic about what’s encrypted on the pages of life for us, whether it’s studies, family, friends, social life, relationships, adulthood and old age. We are enthusiastic about every second of our life! What am I be doing in my adulthood? Hey, wait if I will be doing this, will it be like this? Questions ponder over our 3 pounds thing that is just over our shoulders!

Children’s are the only creatures having 100% enthusiasm in their life because they are fearless about the future happenings that may happen with them. Children’s are enthusiastic about everything that attracts them. They actually spend their life in heaven where there is happiness rather than worries.

But poor us, good times are the easiest to spend….

We take exit from childhood and enter into the “teenage group”.

The teenage group can also be said as the most crucial period for one’s development as a whole. That’s the age group where if a mortal settle S/he settles for life and the one who doesn’t S/he finds it really tough to settle down later. Everyone settles down in life, its not that who doesn’t have a discipline can’t settle, it’s just that the one with disciplines finds it’s really easy to settle down in life, its like the study of a 5th grade for a 10th grade child. There’ one thing I forgot in the teenage group, can you guess what it is? No, it’s not having relationships but its Puberty and with that comes the eye-opening things like; the changes happening in our life; competition, race and Success. Though we know it beforehand but never took that seriously as much as we should take it. Throughout our teenage life our parents play the role of life coaches and try to help us find our real path.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that we love to be in our comfort zone. When we exit from the childhood stage and enter to the teenage age we kind of not like it at the initial stage because of the eye-opening things happening in our life. But as soon as we get used to it, it ends….! And we enter to the adulthood. This is like a person getting comfortable with clubbing (S/he is shy and don’t go every now and then) but as soon as his mind get to enjoy, Time’s over!

One of the common things that makes a mortal enthusiastic is the “next thing” no matter big or small. For example, A person going to school is enthusiastic about his/her entry to college. A college going is enthusiastic about his entry to the professional life, the person working for a living is mesmerized by the thought of getting married and having children’s and then planning the best life for their children’s and so on……

But where’s life for yourself?

In the race of doing things that excites us, we live in the future which is uncertain. We don’t know for the next second and plans for the years ahead. Wow! Yes, it’s good to plan for future but at the same live we should live “At the moment”. We forget to live for ourselves, for those who matter us the most, we forget to “not remember” what bad had happened to us but to “Remember” what good had happened to us, trying to look the good side of everything.

               “Life isn’t all about the unfolding of the pages, its about living in the one.”

Every day we wake up and do all the things which we planned of doing, but hey, did we ever planned to “not” do the things we always do and do things which makes us live in the moment.

Living in the moment isn’t just sitting in one place, for example seeing the sunset and admiring it. It’s about living every second even at that moment which you sort of not like. Being happy at what you like is like “Separating white balls from a bag full of white balls”. The day you start enjoying even the things which doesn’t excites you the most, will be the day you are at the moment. For example, you hate reading books, then you must find out why hate it and then, boom! You start actually liking it.

We have heard it, it’s such a mainstream question. Do you have some memories?

Memories, ah, they are so good to have! We are mortals and we believe that we can do anything, right? Then start doing that “anything” for yourself. Every year we celebrate our birthdays, then just add one more thing and that is “memory”. Create a benchmark every year to at least have that much memories with yourself until your next birthday and increase your benchmark every year. This goes like this, let’s say you are 19 years old, then recall “at least” 19 best memories you had till now, the upper limit can be infinity. The next year when you turn 20 remember at least 20 and so on… this not only makes you rewind that moment but it also helps you to live in that “past moment”.

Sooner or later there will no such things in life which you aren’t enthusiastic about.

Enthusiasm and Life are like 2 chapters in a book which are quite interrelated to one another. You can go with doing one chapter but you can’t go much far, at some time you need to go with both of the chapters at your hands. Similarly, only going with either one of them you can’t drive for a longer distance you need to stop. So why not understand both the things at the first place only.

        “Without Enthusiasm your life is boring and enthusiasm without life, it’s good for nothing” there needs to be a balance of both so that your drive is easy going.”

Everyone wants happiness in their life, that what they do turns out to be good. But just having a “want” won’t actually work out as we planned or saw it would be. We have to do what we actually want from life.

Final Thoughts!

We can’t do anything just as we say. We must bring in the zest for that because without zest even the best thing won’t excite us.

               “Where there is zest there is life”

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